Mercenaries Page Redo

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Mercenaries Page Redo

Post by dirtyrat »

I hate this page..I hate it bad. My list of hateful things;
1. Why is morale listed on this page?
2. Why is sentries and spies listed on this page? Mercs can't be trained for these types.
3. Why is soldiers listed on this page? Or better yet WHY is soldiers crammed into the buy merc training page? Separate it from the mercs - shove it down at the bottom or something. Stop confusing us new players:P
4. 'You can only hire 33.??% of blah blah blah' - Is there no way for the game to calculate this amount? It drives me up the wall. This page should at LEAST provide a example of how it works. I'll assume this; "Add the total number of your troops - trained and untrained(?) - and divide that number by 33.??%. THIS will tell you the number of mercs that you can buy. BTW why the heck can't you say HIRE instead of buy? For example I'll go to the store and BUY some milk but when I get home and see that the plumbing is busted I'll then call a plumber and HIRE him to fix it.
Why can't all of this be made a little more simple? I bet it drives every new player crazy; "HM? I keep trying to hire mercs but the game keeps telling me 'error, error', etc. New game owner? New fixing on this mess. Go out on a limb and try something brand new. But i will call this merc page 'the most hated page of all time' for any new player...
ADD THIS: According to the help guide you CAN'T even hire 33% because it is all a random factor. So these MIGHT be available - or might NOT. Is everyone insane in this game to allow this sort of random code + confusing page to exist? Random is cool but not in this way. If you wish to keep the random merc idea alive then how about this; "348 mercs are available to hire today - if you so wish." 2nd day; "348+52 mercs are available whenever you desire - and pay the gold."
Put it in the login bonus; 1st day 100 mercs, 2nd day 300 etc so on.
Shower time? NEVER!!
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