lacn and rl VS fod and demk

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lacn and rl VS fod and demk

Post by bloodpirate »

Alliance List

Name Rank Members Power Attack Defend Spy Sentry Poison Antidote Theft Vigilance
Relentless Legacy 1 123 102.89 120 63 98 148 68 91 94 194
La Cosa Nostra 8 37 18.02 20 38 32 47 12 19 64 26


Forces of Darkness 14 7 3.47 12 4 3 3 4 4 3 3
DEMK 10 26 12.64 18 9 38 50 10 28 17 15

seems like a fare fight to me .. 33 vs 160 .. kind of a bully tactic if you ask me .. old grudges go deep .. haters got to hate

reason for war ...

xxxxxxxxxx None 7 minutes ago 2025-01-20 13:14:02

Bon said no timer without war

approx start of war .. 2025-01-20 11:48:12
Last edited by bloodpirate 3 days ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: lacn and rl VS fod

Post by whois »

I mean, it isn't just against you is it?

To be honest, we didn't want you to feel left out if we went after DEMK alone. <3
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Re: lacn and rl VS fod and demk

Post by bloodpirate »

updated original post
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Re: lacn and rl VS fod and demk

Post by whois »

Also you wouldn't have seen this since you're not on discord - bon said we won't get a timer until war happens.
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Re: lacn and rl VS fod and demk

Post by bloodpirate »

Era 19 Shame List
Alliance Total Alliance Total Alliance Total
Relentless_Legacy 06 Coalition of Ordered Govt 01 Tribu Sugbu 01
Sweet Revenge 01 Jedi Faction 01 Tears of Fury 01
None/Solo 33 Total 42

how many none/solo were fake lacn/rl accounts?? how many are there not found yet? i guess they will show up eventually
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Re: lacn and rl VS fod and demk

Post by whois »

Which of those accounts are notable? Or someone that's a notable RL member?

Are you accusing RL of promoting cheating?
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Re: lacn and rl VS fod and demk

Post by bloodpirate »

how would i know who is notable? and last era the statistics are the same .. 6 of rl on the shame list .. so obviously rl doesn't mind this behavior ..

the way i understand it is ... rl sent a rogue against demk .. when demk retaliated against him rl deemed him exempt from retaliation .. demk sent a rogue against rl and was mass sabbed by rl and lacn. rl thought this was against some rule of theirs and went to war for it.

bullies will be bullies ... haters got to hate.
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Re: lacn and rl VS fod and demk

Post by whois »

RL does care, actually. Though we don't personally know everyone that joins the alliance. That's true any time you recruit. We have 124 members, and six accounts have been flagged (which isn't de-duped since we don't have line of sight in). That's 4.8%, and really LESS than 4.8 percent if you assume those VPN issues are only one person. Seems to me that this doesn't amount to a RL behavior as much as it's isolated bad actors. None of these are "notable" because they're not big accounts and/or aren't attributed to anyone that has actual power within the alliance.

RL hasn't sent any rogues. Are you saying DEMK sent RobinDaHood???? That's interesting...
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Re: lacn and rl VS fod and demk

Post by Ogotai »

whois wrote: 3 weeks ago RL does care, actually. Though we don't personally know everyone that joins the alliance. That's true any time you recruit. We have 124 members, and six accounts have been flagged (which isn't de-duped since we don't have line of sight in). That's 4.8%, and really LESS than 4.8 percent if you assume those VPN issues are only one person. Seems to me that this doesn't amount to a RL behavior as much as it's isolated bad actors. None of these are "notable" because they're not big accounts and/or aren't attributed to anyone that has actual power within the alliance.

RL hasn't sent any rogues. Are you saying DEMK sent RobinDaHood???? That's interesting...

Robindahood was from shady alliance
Now how is the war going who is winning and why is fflop not helping demk?
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Re: lacn and rl VS fod and demk

Post by bloodpirate »

as i understand it , Istar was your rogue .. why else would demk approve them?

robin is not in any of our alliances .. and no we never SENT them anywhere ..
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