Just an update, I have been living with an abdominal hernia for 6-7 years that finally strangulated last week and I ended up in hospital in a really bad way. Good new is that it has made the surgeons realize that my hernia needs to be fixed and it will be in 2 weeks. I will receive a letter from the hospital of a date that the surgery will be done and when I have that date I will be ending and restarting the era before I go in for surgery. I will want the era ended and new era started before as I am not sure of the recovery time. There will be no major changes at all, a minor tweak maybe but I will let Rolz and co know what I would like done. I hope you understand and really appreciate the support of those that reached out. I will be back on here and talking to all once I am feeling a bit better.
get well .. don't worry about us .. let us worry about you for once
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