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Suggestions / Questions

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 11:20 am
by Chilluminati
After being away from the game for a while I have noticed a few things that might be easy to implement:

- Can we add a timer of the last recon mission on the attack page - the page where you get redirected too if you have more then one tab open?

- In order to slow down the growth of rogue accounts by an Alliance combined force can we lift casulaties of spys and sentries by raids when the difference between offense and defense gets bigger?

- Add even more sentry upgrades so that rankers can keep there AAT low in case of war

- Being able to lose 25% of your armory when maxxed in 24 hours is ridiculous, this together with rogues have turned the game into a sentry whoring fest instead of encouraging people to attack more instead of just banking as I think it was designed to do.

- Can we improve growth given by clicking officers to there commander? I think 1/2th of the amount clicked by your officer is too low.

- Remove completely or improve the cap on the safe so during war you can save up more gold if you want this to recover after war and pick up the game again. This will discourage massive sell offs upchain to protect just a few accounts aswell as discourage turking (which has been done by removing the EOA timer).

Thats it for now.

Re: Suggestions / Questions

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 10:45 am
by bon
Chilluminati wrote: 4 years ago After being away from the game for a while I have noticed a few things that might be easy to implement:

- Can we add a timer of the last recon mission on the attack page - the page where you get redirected too if you have more then one tab open?

- In order to slow down the growth of rogue accounts by an Alliance combined force can we lift casulaties of spys and sentries by raids when the difference between offense and defense gets bigger?

- Add even more sentry upgrades so that rankers can keep there AAT low in case of war

- Being able to lose 25% of your armory when maxxed in 24 hours is ridiculous, this together with rogues have turned the game into a sentry whoring fest instead of encouraging people to attack more instead of just banking as I think it was designed to do.

- Can we improve growth given by clicking officers to there commander? I think 1/2th of the amount clicked by your officer is too low.

- Remove completely or improve the cap on the safe so during war you can save up more gold if you want this to recover after war and pick up the game again. This will discourage massive sell offs upchain to protect just a few accounts aswell as discourage turking (which has been done by removing the EOA timer).

Thats it for now.
1: Possible,
2: It is already set that the more coverts they have the more they lose, which applies to all accounts.
3. No, as an extra Spy and Sentry level was already added this era.
4: It is 16.5% not 25% to max an account. Ofcourse players are going to sentry whore as they do not want to be sabbed. Tell those doing so not to buy sentry ;).
5: Trickle will not be changed but might be removed in a future era.
6: You want to remove the 3b cap on the safe to discourage upsells? The cap is there purely to stop huge amounts being held in the safe and upsold to others. The safe gold is a bonus and 3b is plenty enough to store to use for upgrades or to buy weapons. Increasing it will only allow those slaying to sell to mains being able to hold more in the safe to give as well.