I couldn't load KoC and how I fixed that issue!

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I couldn't load KoC and how I fixed that issue!

Post by Screwy »

Hello fellow KoCers and addicts etc. :D

As those of you who are more active on Discord know that I had some issues loading KoC from my laptop for like 2 days and I couldn't fix that although I tried tons of stuff that I was suggested to do. In the end my good LaCN buddy Arturos showed me how to fix it.

I just had to open the hosts file which is located in C:/Windows/System 32/drivers/etc (folder) with Notepad (as Administrator) and I saw the koc IP that was displayed there was old one and then I checked what is the correct one and just replaced it and saved the file. After that everything worked just fine.

I hope this helps in future to those who ever encounter this problem because it was a pain. :)
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Re: I couldn't load KoC and how I fixed that issue!

Post by dokken »

For most people, this file won't have kingsofchaos.com listed (and the issue wouldn't appear :-) )

so commenting out the line (with a #) would do the trick too, since you only need this in case the dns servers can't resolve the kingsofchaos.com name
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Re: I couldn't load KoC and how I fixed that issue!

Post by Screwy »

btw a friend that is more awared of these things told me just to delete the koc line in that file and it will work again xD My issue was that I set it on that file and no matter what server changes game admins do I would have that issue xD
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